Friday, September 12, 2008

We Can All Be Winners

Welcome To Our Bloog
Howdy there family and friends.
Welcome, welcome new comers.
We invite you all to reed our bloog

....and if you wood like leeve a comment.

TIP of THe DAY: FOr reeders wanting to leeve a comment there are a verity of ways that can be done.

First click on comment at thE end of the POst, then as in Chooseing an Identity:

1. Google/Blogger

2. Open ID

3. Name/URL

4. Anonymous

Use what ever makes you tHe most comforttable.

SHOUT OUT off the DAY: Hay, we understand that there are some vary excited sooon to be GRANDPArents. (Sooon to be Grandpartents to a litter of Weener Doogs.) How cool is that!!! SO we are "Shouting Out" to you sooon to be Grandparents thaT everythING and eveyone will turn out heatHLy and happY! Rememmber we can all be weeners.

PUPPY LOVE by Debber

Medium: Digital/Paint and Adobe Photoshops 9/08

Life is preshious! God created all creachures great and small. Realize you arr a child of God. You cannot get moore special than arr a son or daughter of our HEavenly FaTher. God created us smaller creatures too. (Wee have been told that wee arr gifts of sunshine. :-) Well, wEe love you and you love us and that is what makes the wurld go arround. THank you God!

Take care,
Zzack anb ANNa

The Cool Cats of the Wurld Wide Weeb

(=^.^=) (=^.^=)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
