Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday

This is a Hoopy BithDAy Bloog.
Can you heer us "Shouting Out"
to you,Two BirthdAY girls?


Gramie turns 85 yrs old this 9/21/08.


Hoppy Brithday to our Gramie. You are so ding dong dalley dilly gettie up specail to us. We love you soooo many bunches and arr wishing you a lot of mices for you in the next comming year. You are one very specail Gramie and deserve a tootie toot toot! Hay, Gramie, tootie toot toot to you!!! Think helthy and live helthy and be sure to buy us something for Christmas this year.

hUgs and Bugs,
ZAck and Anna

Laurie turns 63

this fine Septemper 21st of


Yeah! Hoot, hoot, hoot! Rah, Rah, Rah! Sending brithday wisheses your way. You arr sooo cool - one cool dude-ette! YOu deseerve a cool daY. So we arr sending one cool day your way. We think you arr vary pretty too. You go gril!

Love you Aunt Laurie!
HuGS and BugS,
Zackk ANd Anna


Anonymous said...

"Gramie and Laurie."

You two must be a couple of real HOT BABES. Hope you had a good birthday and wishing you the best all year long.

The Stranger
P.S. Would you like some candy?

Anonymous said...

I want some candy.

Molly and Alley said...

HapPy Burtday deer Mudder. WE

LOve you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! You make our house a home. THanKyou for evrything yoU doo doo for us.

Hugs and tummy rubs,
Molly Helenka $ AlLey ZaSu

Deborah Kay Burt, M.ED.,ET/P. said...


Love you with hugs and kisses.

P.S.You are the best Mudder ever!!!

Deborah Kay Burt, M.ED.,ET/P. said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Laurie,
Happy Birthday to you~and many more.

Happy B-day to a very wonderful and talented artist.

From a very wonderful and talented artist.

Hugs and love you,

Molly and Alley said...

Hoppy Bithday to Loorie,

WE woould like you to come down and play with us casue you are so sweat.

Molly and Alley

H O P PY B I R T HD A Y !!

Anonymous said...

Where's my candy?

Anonymous said...

Hoppy "B" Day to u-who
Hoppy "B" Day to U
Hoopy "B" Day to u-who
Hooppy B" Dat to U
Hugs from the Vegas family
Richard and Cathy Peshlakai