Friday, January 9, 2009

We Just Couldn't Wate.

Alright, yes we know it is nut the weekend, BUTt wee arr soooooooooooo excitable becuz wee receved a comment and it is a WONDURFUL comment. OH deer kitty, Skeezix the CAt, who ever you arr we Luv you. Wee luv you sooo much anb to yu wee also "Wishes you a HAppy Newyear!"

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome, welcome....

NOT: This bloog is created by ZAck and Anna....we arr the cool cats of the wurld wide weeb. Wee do all of our own work anb arr darn proud of it too. WEe would like ot invite to keep comming back. Wee will be updating our bloog once a week. Most likley on the weekend. You know how crazy and wild the weekend can get, so we arr nut sure when durring th e weekend, butt wee will be here at some point just typing as fast as wee can with our littel paws. So take care and we hope to see you here - hey, post us a comment on our bloog and that will reelly, reelly be cool.....anb THAt will make YOu reelly reelly cool.

HellO, we like JellO....

Yes, it has been a looong time since our lastest entry. We have beeb so busy worrying about our Debber. You know she fell down a flight of stairs on November teh 2nd anb then was in a doozy of a car accident. Wee have been quite worried because she just hassen't been herself due to pain anb medication. SHe has a condition that when her body is injured she develops extreamly painful spasms and electric shocks....all over her body. Even our sand paper like kissed doonot seem to help. She is just now staring to get her symtoms under control wiht medication and streaching. (Ooooh, we like streaching kitties.) Debber will be seeign her droctor this Friday.

Her droctor called her and told her that she has 4 degenerated and bludgin dics. Ouch! SHe needs to do much more kitte stretching.


Hey, here it is the beginging of 20009. Happy celabration! HAve fun doing new things and have fun doing old things in a new way. <---- Kitty wissdom (=^.^=) Now haer is the exciting news: Debber has committed herself for the year 20009 to learning how anb puttting into action taking good careof her body, mind and spirit. It is all soooo cool! Anb we are goign to help her. First (anb you may want to try this at home) we are having Debber invisualize in her brain what is an fun activity she woudl like to work towards anb being able to do once she is heallthy; body, mind and spirit . We then asked Debber to share.... WOW WEE, she has some fun things to look forword too. We took it apon ourselfs to draw the fun activity that Debber shared wiht us. So here it is:

Peece tatiled "Debber anb Friends Enjoying hte GReet Outdoors"

by ZAck the cAT Medium: Microsoft Paint

Yes, she is dreming of the day when she can be healhty and get out anb about and enjoy the greet out doors with her friends. That doos sound greet dosn't it? Soo wee have sugjested to DEbber to use positvie visualiztion often to help her take into the right direction anb then stay on the right track to total health.

WEe invite you to join in and share your "health dreams."

Bye bye for now. Hope to have a lot of new commers join us here at the ZacCk anb Anna Bloog. wWe will be talking about dreams, health, birds and many excitting thinhgs! Wee will be loooking forward to hearing you (=^.^=) (=^.^=) (hour new bestest freinds.)

Please cheek out our previous bloogs. If you start at the beging wee thinK you will reelly enjoy the journy.